Co-creating a justice movement which connects people who use drugs, people who trade sex, and communities of faith through the development of harm reduction centered spiritual resources, ritual support, and spiritual care.

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Who We Are - What We Do

We are a national network of faith and harm reduction leaders that advance liberation, health, and wholeness for communities impacted by overdose, trauma, stigma of substance use, and racialized drug policy, in partnership with people who use drugs and people who do sex work.

We expand support for harm reduction messages, practices, and policies among faith and other community leaders through resource development, capacity building, events, and community mobilization.

We grow spiritual community, co-create theological and liturgical language which speaks to lived experience, and build collective & integrative practices that transform the imprint of trauma and oppression on the being of people who use drugs and people who do sex work.

We reshape the moral narrative on substance use through education, messaging, and community building which centers the divinity and dignity of people who use drugs and people who do sex work.


“A happy and healthy community is not a fairytale. All you need is a seed.”



Our Mission

Kent County is one of the most severely underserved communities in Tennessee. To combat this adversity, Project Sprout seeks to nourish our neighbors at the most fundamental level with healthy food options and a strong support network. All members get a portion of each harvest and surpluses are donated to low-income families whose work schedules prevent them from volunteering.


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